Tuesday, July 05, 2005

War of the Worlds

I didn't make the march on Saturday. I was involved in an event in Edinburgh, however. While I was doing demos and being prodded and trained by Kyudo sensei I could hear the helicopters overhead and was, by late afternoon, beginning to feel like I had slipped into a Vietnam war movie. Amazingly both entering and exiting E'Burgh by car went without any traffic problems at all. While there one of my fellow kyudojin came in after doing some photography of the march relating a tale of 200 hundred anarchists who had spray-painted the buses of those attending the march. Such a sad protest really.

Recent news has been on NASA firing a large heavy object at an innocent comet. We've been told this won't effect it's path in any way (obviously having decided to drop Newtonian mechanics from their memory). Quite why 'we' have decided to premptively strike this object we don't yet know. Perhaps it is one of those missiles fired by Heinlein's bugs? Or maybe its a Rama-like craft covered in frozen water? Whatever it is, even just a comet now sent on a new course, I don't see any good coming of it. When ET knocks on the door moaning about our kids smashing his car with their cricket ball I'm sending the bill to NASA.

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