Saturday, January 27, 2007

Perfect Wakefulness

Well I think the reading went down well, despite only having 5 hours'
kip in the previous 4 days. I even beat my previous record for staying awake by six hours; 
I'm now up to 66, yay! The thing that I really hate about staying 
awake too long is entering the state of being 'perfectly awake'. This is where you are beyong sleep and enter a hyper-reality. Everything is increased in sensation, while at the same time seems like it is hidden behind a warm, damp cloth. It is kinda cool and kinda creepy.
I am now having difficulty remembering how to sleep. I go to bed anxious I'm going to stay awake, which means that I do...

Sunday, January 21, 2007

Unleash The Dogs Of Havoc

 I have something to confess, it's part of my messianic complex - it's all my fault. A throwaway line leads to the theme. And so on Wednesday the Word Dogs are running a reading event, and I'm somewhere in the line up. 

Where: The 13th Note, Glasgow
When: Wednesday the 24th Jan, 8.30pm
How much: 2 quid

8 writers, 8 tales of high adventure, pirates, pestilence, and general havoc.

Wednesday, January 03, 2007

Website Upgrade

After happily converting the site to CSS 
sometime in the recent past, I have now upgraded the design. 

Apart from a sunnier spring clean to the design I've also converted all the stories to PDF format and uploaded two new ones: Search Engine and Clatty Pat's Needle.

I think all the links work (except to the Adocentyn area), but if you find a fault, flaw or bizarre browser rendering (this last one took me all morning to fix) it would be kind of you let me know about it.