Monday, June 06, 2005

Sometime I Amaze Myself

Well I had another one of those weekends where I spoke to nobody (unless you count the woman at the checkout in Asda asking me if I wanted cashback). If I had died when I got home on Friday, I don't think anyone would notice until Tuesday.

Anywho. I have just about finished the redraft of section one of Enoch's Vault. Consequently, the new first-three-chapters are up for download on the website. I only have to add the flashback chapter I'm still working on, do another parse of the recent edits and then move on to the next section. Still what amazed me more, is that section one is some 33,500 words long. This is just under half the overall length of the draft for the whole book, before I started. I don't know that I'll have the same expansion in the other two sections, but if I did that would be a novel just over the 100,000 mark. Something I never thought I could pull off. Ever. My style being typically too terse. At this rate I'll be writing big chunky books like Hal Duncan's Vellum.

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