Tuesday, April 19, 2005

Font and Fontability

I have a confession to make dear reader - I'm a font geek. Maybe because the written word is what I do or maybe it is some higher aesthetic calling but the shape of letters is a whole language in and of itself to me. Thus choosing one can be a painful deliberation. Recently I read about the selection process of a font for a downloadable book. So we come to the font for the Enoch's Vault minisite.

I was looking at trying to find something which was like it had been carved into stone, so I guess a classical Roman style, but also something kind of Gothic too. Then I had to consider what would stand out on a shelf from a few feet away. The top three had been narrowed down to La Brit a nice clipped German looking font with some flourishes, Black Chancery a thick solid English-Robin-Hood feeling type and maybe Scythe which has a 1920's art deco meets mediaeval feel. But I have also found Chanticleer Roman which is growing on me for its plain clean almost brutal stone age brand look. I have a nagging feeling I've seen this somewhere else recently though.

I think I'll look around a little longer, need to find a good Enochian font too.

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