Friday, September 30, 2005

More Prime Beef

In one of those spooky coinkidink situations not only was there the start of a new series on Queen Elizabeth (I) but a programme on prime numbers on BBC 4 this week.

The prime programme was interesting, if so full of juvenile analogy that the science was lost. I mean suddenly we're taling about Riemann and a landscape, no explanation of where this landscape came from (I assume, right now, that it is some geometric function). Then at the 'sea level' of zero points all the prime numbers appear in a straight line. So I can find prime numbers on the coast of Scottish sea lochs, can I? Bloody Slartibartfart was a cunning soul.

It was fascinating to find that primes group together rather like the energy levels in heavy atoms like Uranium. You know explosive elements like Uranium. Prime numbers, the fundamental building blocks of the mathematical universe are like explosive atom energy levels. Boom. I laughed for hours.

Now I'm seeing prime's everywhere. Even Hal Duncan was having rpoblems with a TV game show and for a few minutes I thought the supposed answer was a prime. This is getting a bit like one of those Lovecraft stories with a solitary scholar and non-Euclidian geometry. (I guess if it can create landscapes with prime sea levels...)

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