Wednesday, May 04, 2005


I once joked in a semi-serious way that I could easily be a monk, devoted to quiet contemplation. In one of those life-laughs-at-you ways that is not too different from my current existence. I quietly sit illuminating manuscripts (sometimes with dusty light). At least monks have other people to talk to (if they've not taken a vow of silence).

My solitude is at least productive. I now have three new chapters at the front of the book. Returning to my moment of brilliance that I have been, quietly, so frustrated at not replicating, I now have a speed-dating intro to the book, which nicely brings into light many aspects of our hero's character. Followed up by a flash back to his first meeting with Kate. Then we have a frantic piece of detection as the original case gets its breakthrough. I started to look at the original chapter one again and the change in writing is now rippling through this like a shockwave.

I didn't want to write the whole thing again, and it doesn't feel like I am right now. But it does seem like a fresh viewpoint is turning this how I wanted it. We'll see how we get on; had two more rejections at the weekend. Five left in the field. Act in haste repent at leisure.

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