Monday, March 14, 2005

Time's Arrow

Having been practising Kyudo for some months now Saturday was my first chance to actually shoot an arrow. The comparisons to a (male) orgasm were pronounced. A large build up of internal tension and energy, a release and le petite mort - a moment of no-mind which was more profound than my practise had led me to expect (in fact I'd not expected it at all).

Meantime this Dee/Golems thing is starting to come to me as a mini-Baroque/Cryptonomicon type thing. First part in the past with Dee learning of the power of certain scribed words and the second part taking place in some modern world war as the power of prime numbers in hebrew has led to an escalating maths arms race. I might try it as a short stroy first see if there is something more to base a book on.

Research for the street kids is proving rather difficult. The original article not having any citations and no longer papers seeming existing on the kid's mythology. Will continue to look.

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