Monday, March 20, 2006

Vanarchy In The UK

Saw 'V For Vendetta' yesterday and my fears were fortunately futile. While, yes, it is watered down and some plot points being dropped become a nice in-joke (Birch talks about visiting the concentration camp and having a 'feeling' about how this would all turn out - I seem to recall he drops acid and trips his way to revelation about what happened there and where to find V). I actually found the film very moving with some wonderful scenes taken straight from the pages of the book. For a film adaptation, of this material, it was splendid.

Friday, March 03, 2006


As soon as I start work on Adocentyn cursing Primed and my inability to get past the first chapter of the Dee section, something gives and I'm away. Instead of pulling teeth it is just flowing along nicely, so now I'm close to the end of the first draft.

I was pitching for about 10,000 words, but will probably get 6,000. I'm sure as the revisions go on this will swell up a bit more towards the target, but I always write tight. As soon as this draft is done I have to go back and change the dialogue into iambic pentameter. Glutton for punishment me.